How to sell on Back Market: A marketplace guide

Welcome to the next installment in our series on ecommerce sales platforms. Today, we’ll be delving into the realm of Back Market, a burgeoning hub for refurbished electronics. 

Did you know the refurbished electronics market is valued at over $85 billion? With sustainability becoming a driving force behind consumer choices, there’s never been a better time to get into second-hand selling – and platforms like Back Market are at the forefront of this transformative shift. 

Interested in learning how to sell on Back Market? At Linnworks, we offer a full integration, so our team of shrewd (slash geeky) sales pros has already done the legwork on identifying the best strategies for success. 

Ready to add another platform to your ecommerce arsenal? Here’s everything you need to know about selling on Back Market. 

What is Back Market? 

Back Market isn’t just another online marketplace. It’s a bustling ecosystem where quality meets sustainability. 

Founded in 2014, the platform quickly carved out a niche as the go-to destination for quality refurbished gadgets. Based on a business model that champions the circular economy by reducing electronic waste, connects consumers with certified refurbishers, offering a wide array of items at competitive prices.

What sets Back Market apart – aside from the sustainability aspect, of course – is its stringent quality standards and rigorous certification process, ensuring that every product meets or exceeds customer expectations.

What are the benefits of selling on Back Market? 

In the rollercoaster ride of economic ups and downs we’ve witnessed in the last few years, many consumers have developed a lust for bargain hunting – and who can blame them?

For savvy sellers like you, this presents a unique opportunity to expand your online ecommerce empire by getting into the refurbished market. But, why sell on Back Market, specifically? Here’s a comprehensive list of advantages:

  • Ease of entry: Whether you’re a tech wizard adept at refurbishing gadgets or an eco-conscious entrepreneur looking to make your mark, Back Market is a welcoming space. 
  • Broad market reach: Back Market’s target audience spans several demographics, from tech-savvy millennials to budget-conscious families.
  • Green market appeal: Online searches for sustainable goods have risen by 71% over the last few years, demonstrating strong consumer demand for more eco-friendly options.
  • Built-in trust:  Back Market’s rigorous certification process instills buyer confidence, making it easier for you to establish trust and credibility.
  • Marketing muscle: Easy-to-use marketing tools and resources help amplify your brand’s visibility and reach.
  • Seamless integration: Syncing orders, listings and shipments on a centralized platform like Linnworks frees up valuable time to focus on growing your business.

Which products sell best on

Ready to discover the MVPs (Most Valuable Products) that reign supreme on Back Market? From pocket-sized powerhouses to gaming giants and everything in between, these categories are the heavy hitters you’ll want to keep an eye on:

  • Smartphones
  • Laptops and Computers
  • Tablets and E-Readers
  • Gaming Consoles
  • Wearable Tech
  • Audio Equipment
  • Camera Gear
  • Household appliances

The State of Commerce Ops 2024 Report

What are the biggest commerce trends in 2024?

How to set up your Back Market seller account

Ready to cross a new threshold and journey toward Back Market brilliance? Awesome! But, before we get down to the important business of how to sell on Back Market effectively, let’s make sure your account setup process goes smoothly. Here are the steps you’ll need to follow.

Step 1: Registration 

Head over to Back Market’s seller portal and fill in the registration form. To kick-start the process, you’ll need to provide basic information such as your business name, contact details and email address.

Step 2: Documentation

Back Market takes verification seriously. So, gather up your business licenses, tax IDs and any other required documentation. Top tip: Don’t forget to snap a selfie holding your ID for that extra touch of authenticity.

Step 3: Onboarding

A killer profile sets you apart from the competition and helps build trust with potential customers. So, be sure to upload a professional logo that represents your brand, craft a compelling bio and sprinkle in a dash of personality to make buyers swoon. 

Step 4: Fees and payments

The standard sales commission on is 10%. However, be aware that sellers must also pay a security deposit as a float before activating listings to ensure the platform can reimburse buyers if necessary. 

How to list your products effectively on Back Market

OK, so you’re all set up and ready to sell, sell, sell? Here are a few top tips on how to showcase your refurbished treasures for maximum impact and conversions. 

  • Descriptive prowess: It’s time to unleash your inner wordsmith by crafting detailed and accurate product descriptions that leave no stone unturned. Think specs, features and benefits galore. Bonus points for injecting a dash of personality to make your listings stand out from the crowd.
  • Picture perfection: High-quality, high-resolution images are your secret weapon for grabbing buyers’ attention. So, investing in crisp, clear photos that showcase your products from every angle is a must if you want your images to convert to clicks and sales.  
  • Transparency for the win: Honesty is the best policy, especially when it comes to refurbished goods. Being upfront about the condition of your products and the refurbishment process builds trust and keeps buyers coming back for more.
  • Perceptive pricing:  It’s a jungle out there, but don’t let pricing pitfalls trip you up. Do your research, stay competitive and keep your finger on the pulse of market trends. Remember, it’s not just about undercutting the competition—it’s about offering value that’s worth every penny.
  • Search engine optimization: Improve your visibility on Back Market and beyond by optimizing your product titles, descriptions and tags with relevant keywords to attract more eyeballs and boost your sales. Not so down with the SEO lingo? Don’t worry, there’s a heap of keyword research tools out there to help you. 

Back Market pricing strategies

While mastering how to sell on Back Market can be lucrative, there’s no sugarcoating that it’s a very competitive space. 

In a sales environment where products often shuffle off the virtual shelves for up to 70% less than the listing price of a new item, there’s not much margin for error if you’re to ensure profitability. Here are a few top tips for pricing refurbished products competitively.

Know your competition

With over 1,500 registered sellers and counting, it’s easy to get lost in the foliage – especially if you’re a newbie in the refurb game. So, taking a stroll through the competitive landscape and getting to know your fellow sellers is essential if you’re to pitch at the right price points. Keep an eye on pricing trends, best-selling products and any sneaky tactics your rivals might be using.

Be proactive and flexible

When it comes to pricing refurbished products, it’s all about finding that sweet spot between value and profit. Unfortunately, there’s no ‘set-and-forget’ cheat sheet you can use all the time. Rather, you’ll need to get creative and play around with a few different approaches to see what works best – think dynamic pricing, seasonal discounts and bundle deals that make buyers do a double-take.

Utilize tools of the trade

Back Market has your back with a virtual bonanza of tools and analytics to help you price like a pro. So go ahead – don your detective hat and prepare to deep dive into the data, analyze sales trends and uncover the hidden insights that could give you the edge over the competition.

How to manage fulfillment and shipping on Back Market

Although might be considered one of the smaller ecommerce platforms on the block, the platform is already available to buyers and sellers in thirteen European countries, Australia, Japan, South Korea, the UK and the US. 

Slick fulfillment and shipping processes are essential for meeting the needs of the international market. Here’s an overview of what Back Market expects from its sellers. 

Order fulfillment

While sellers are only required to ship on business days (yay to keeping those weekends and holidays free!), order fulfillment must meet the following policies:

  • Orders placed after 1pm should be shipped out the next business day.
  • Orders for large devices (like televisions, for example) should be shipped within two business days.

Delivery notes and shipping labels

Delivery notes can be printed directly on the Back Market platform. Alternatively, if you’re using Linnworks, you can use our handy template designer. Every order should have a Back Market order ID, which can be auto-generated on either in-house or third-party inventory software systems, along with shipping labels. 


Pack like you mean it using sturdy boxes and plenty of bubble wrap, airbags, cardboard, foam, etc., to secure items so there’s no room for movement that could cause accidental damage. It’s also recommended you use pressure-sensitive tape rather than cellophane, masking tape, string, or rope to seal every seam and corner.

IMEI/Serial numbers

In addition to a Back Market ID, IMEI codes are required for all smartphone orders. Take care to enter codes precisely and triple-check them, keeping in mind that a correct and valid IMEI/serial number is exactly 15 characters long. Anything above or below this will flag in the system as invalid/incorrect and will not be submitted for order dispatch.

Warranties, cancellations and returns

Back Market provides a one-year warranty on all of its products and operates a 30-day return policy. Sellers are expected to repair defective devices or offer a replacement. If neither of these is a possibility, customers are refunded to the debit or credit card on which they made their purchase (remember that security deposit we mentioned earlier?). 

How to deliver customer service and get reviews on Back Market 

In the fast-paced world of online shopping, exceptional customer service is the lifeblood of success. So, with the basics of how to sell on Back Market covered, let’s get to work on dazzling your customers so you can start racking up those glowing five-star reviews:

  • Clear communication: From order confirmations to shipping updates and beyond, keep consumers in the loop every step of the way. Oh, and don’t forget to throw in a few friendly smiles (or emojis) for good measure.
  • Personalized interactions: Be responsive. Be attentive. But above all, be human. Whether it’s answering questions, resolving issues, or just shooting the breeze, a little TLC goes a long way in building trust and loyalty.
  • Promptness: A happy resolution can turn a disgruntled customer into a loyal advocate. Address customer complaints quickly and professionally, offering solutions or refunds where necessary to turn those frowns upside down. 
  • Humility: Embrace feedback like a gift from the ecommerce gods. Whether it’s praise, criticism, or ambivalence, every bit of feedback is an opportunity to learn, make adjustments and improve. 

The State of Commerce Ops Report

What are the biggest trends in 2024?

How to maximize sales and scale your Back Market business

Set yourself up for success with these advanced tips for turbocharging sales volume and supercharging your refurbishing business on

  • Set realistic expectations: Accurate condition descriptions for refurbished goods are a must. Back Market uses categories ranging from “Stallone” to “Like New” for sellers to choose between.
  • Sweeten the deal: Unleash the power of promotions and discounts to attract buyers like bees to honey. Did someone say flash sale? We’ll be right there! 
  • Harness the power of in-house marketing tools: Use Back Market’s stash of seller resources to amplify your brand’s visibility, attract more buyers and drive sales. 
  • Embrace the bigger picture: Sure, individual product listings are great. But why stop there when you can expand into more product categories, diversify your offerings and tap into new markets?
  • Scale smart: Stay ahead of the curve by utilizing software like Linnworks inventory management solutions to streamline processes, forecast demand and keep a close eye on stock levels. 

Optimize Back Market Profitability with Linnworks and SkuVault

With the winning combination of Linnworks and SkuVault Core, you can conquer the Back Market landscape with confidence, safe in the knowledge that your operations are optimized for success:

Linnworks arms you with a treasure trove of Back Market integration tools, from listing management to order processing and beyond, ensuring maximum efficiency and profitability.

Meanwhile, SkuVault Core ensures flawless inventory flow, allowing sellers to push and pull inventory between systems quickly and precisely.

Want to learn more about how to sell on Back Market with this dynamic duo? Book a demo today and get ready to refurbish your profits along with your electronics! 

Ready to see Linnworks in action?

  • Unrivaled ecommerce data accuracy
  • 100+ integrations with global sales channels
  • Up and running in 40 days on average

Linzi Trafford


Linzi Trafford is a SaaS-loving, self-professed grammar nerd. She’s written for industry leaders like Crunchbase and Spotify, tech-for-good firms like UpMetrics and Recite Me, and a whole heap in between. When not hammering away at her keyboard, you’ll find her hiking with her rescue dog, singing with her band, or getting stuck into a good old-fashioned whodunnit novel.